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孟志敏副司长主持招待酒会 索丽生副部长致祝酒辞
中国三峡总公司副总经理毕亚雄 欢迎招待会全景
国际泥沙信息网10月21日讯 由水利部主办的第九次河流泥沙国际学术会议于昨天胜利闭幕。来自世界约40多个国家和国际组织以及国内有关部门和单位的近400多名中外泥沙及其相关领域的专家、学者、政府官员和非政府机构的代表参加了这次大会。 闭幕式由世界泥沙研究学会主席WALLING教授主持,国际研究培训中心教授谭颖进行了大会学术总结,来自德国的Silke Wieprecht教授代表全体与会代表发言。王兆印教授宣布了国际泥沙研优秀论文获奖者名单。分别由WALLING教授、PLATE教授和杨志达教授颁发了奖牌。国际泥沙研究培训中心主任、中国水利水利科学院院长高季章教授致闭幕辞并宣布下届会议承办单位为俄罗斯莫斯科大学。会议常设秘书处胡春宏秘书长将会旗转交下届承办单位莫斯科大学的接旗代表。最后接旗代表致辞欢迎各国专家2007年莫斯科再见。 第十次河流泥沙国际学术研讨会预计将在2007年8月1日-4日在俄罗斯莫斯科大学举办,俄罗斯在泥沙领域研究有着深厚的基础,我国许多泥沙专家都曾留学前苏联。下一次会议的初选主题是:“泥沙过程对社会、经济、环境安全的影响”。
世界泥沙研究学会主席WALLING教授主持 国际研究培训中心教授谭颖进行了大会学术总结 德国的Silke Wieprecht代表与会代表发言
王兆印教授宣布国际泥沙研优秀论文获奖者名单 国际泥沙研究培训中心主任、中国水利水利科学院院长高季章教授致闭幕辞
由WALLING教授、PLATE教授和杨志达教授颁发了奖牌 会议常设秘书处胡春宏秘书长将会旗转交下届承办单位
美国科罗拉多大学Chih Ted Yang教授:“The subject Symposium was indeed a great success due to the preparation by you, Dr. Wang, and others prior to the Symposium. All the delegates benefited form the exchange of information, meeting with new and old friends. I plan to attend the next meeting in Moscow and see you again, if not sooner.”
美国Jerry M. Bernard, National Geologist, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service:“I will never forget the conference, nor my short time once again in China. You and your staff did a remarkable job in organizing a very interesting and worthwhile symposium. On behalf of the United States Department of Agriculture's Natural Resource Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS), I want to congratulate you and your colleagues on a very successful 9th International Synmposium on River Sedimentation. Your hospitality and efficiency made all of the participants, international and local, comfortable and satisfied with the content and results of the symposium. I especially want to compliment you on the exquisite web site that you recently posted. You have captured the essence of the symposium, both in the written word and colorful image.”
华东师范大学河口海岸国家重点实验室 刘红:“在你们的精心组织下,无论是主题报告、分会报告、晚会、还是技术考察,都深深的吸引了与会的代表,可以说会议取得了巨大的成功。这和你们所作的大量的努力是分不开。作为参加会议的代表,向你们说一声“辛苦了,谢谢!””
印度Uri Power Station Chief Engineer (Civil) Anurag Srivastava:“It was a pleasure to attend the 9thISRS. The Key Notes of the Symposium are excellent. I again thank you for such a nice arrangment and hospitality & such a high quality symposium.”
清华大学Huang Guoxian:“Thank you and other organizers for giving me a chance to know the development of sediment research and etc in this conference. in fact, I think it is an excellent conference.”
英国Colin R Thorne,Professor of Physical Geography,University of Nottingham:“a short note to thank you for the very excellent arrangements at the Ninth ISRS last week. My wife and I enjoyed the event from start to finish. Well Done indeed to you and all concerned in this important and successful conference!”
澳大利亚Hubert CHANSON,Reader, Dept. of Civil Engineering,The University of Queensland, Australia:“I wish to thank you for all your work fr the preparation and organisation of the 9th International Symposium on River sedimentation in Yichang. It was an excellent event wothwhile to attend. Please convey my since thanks to all the organising comittee.”
美国John R. Gray, Sediment Specialist/Hydrologist,U.S. Geological Survey Office of Surface Water:“You and your IRTCES colleagues did a super job. Well done!”
瑞典James Yang:“thanks for a nice conference.”
华东师范大学Yang Guifang:“Thank you very much for your great efforts in organizing the successful Symposium. It is really a good chance for us to attend the meeting and discuss the relative researches with the experts from all over the world.”
上海交通大学Dr Zhong Shi, Department of Harbour
and Coastal Engineering, School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil
Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University:“Congratulations. Your
hard organizing works shall be appreciated by us.” |
You are Welcome to the10th ISRS August, 1-4, 2007 Moscow, Russia莫斯科大学10th ISRS宣传幻灯片(PPT文档,36MB)
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