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图1 美国悬移质浓度和平均输沙量分布图
    Figure 1. -- Average concentration of suspended sediment in rivers and average discharge of suspended
sediment at the mouths of selected rivers of the conterminous United States. Map was simplified from
Rainwater, 1962. See Table 1 for the ranking of rivers.

图2 美国阿拉斯加悬移质浓度和平均输沙量分布图

    Figure 2. -- Average concentration of suspended sediment in rivers and average discharge of suspended
sediment at the mouths of selected large rivers of Alaska. (Source: Compiled by R.H. Meade from U.S.
Geological Survey data, including reports by Burrows and Harrold, 1983; Knott and Lipscomb, 1983; and
Scott, 1982.)

Table 1. Discharge of suspended sediment to the coastal zone by
10 major rivers of the United States, about 1980 (tons/yr = tons per year)
(Meade and Parker, 1984).
Rivers Average annual
  sediment discharge
  (million tons/yr)
Rivers that discharge the largest sediment loads: ---
Mississippi (includes Atchafalaya River) 230
Copper 80
Yukon 65
Susitna 25
Eel 15
Brazos 11
Columbia: ---
    Before Mount St. Helens eruption 10
    (Since Mount St. Helens eruption -- approximate 40
Rivers with large drainage areas: ---
St. Lawrence 1.5
Rio Grande 0.8
Colorado 0.1

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