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发布时间: 2012-10-31



应国际泥沙研究培训中心邀请,荷兰UNESCO-IHE水教育学院(Institute of Water Education)教授J.A. (Dano) Roelvink博士将于2012112日来国际泥沙中心进行学术交流,并作学术报告,欢迎莅临交流。


报告题目:New insights in morphodynamic modelling: seven golden rules



报告人:Prof. Dano Roelvink, Head, Coastal Systems & Engineering and Port Development, UNESCO-IHE










报告摘要:Exciting developments are going on in the field of process-based modelling of coastal problems. More and more experience is gathered in the modelling of tidal inlets and estuaries at time scales long enough to approach quasi-equilibrium and to allow a beginning of understanding of morphological patterns, not just short-term changes. New and complex areas such as reef environments are subject of intensive study and much progress can be reported in understanding the hydrodynamics and a beginning of morphodynamic insight in such areas. Links between dune and beach behaviour can be studied using a mix of subaerial and subaqueous model approaches, and behaviour of beaches, dune systems and tidal inlets under normal and extreme conditions can be approached with new confidence. However, some long-held views need to be reexamined critically, hence the subtitle: 'Seven golden rules'.



Prof. dr. ir. J.A. (Dano) Roelvink

Prof. Roelvink has 27 years of experience in coastal engineering and research. He has participated as team member and as project manager in a number of major consultancy projects related to coastal morphology. He has managed the development of the Delft3D model system for two- and three-dimensional simulation of waves, currents, water quality, ecology and morphodynamics and has made important contributions to the morphological part of this system. He has been actively involved in the EU-sponsored MaST-G6M and MaST-G8M, SASME, COAST3D and DELOS research projects on coastal morphodynamics, amongst others as member of the SASME steering group. His field of expertise is in coastal hydrodynamics and morphodynamics modelling, in one, two or three dimensions. In 1993 he obtained a PhD-degree at Delft University of Technology, based on a thesis on the effect of surf beats on coastal profiles. He has published numerous articles on coastal hydraulics and morphodynamics in international journals and conference proceedings, and he has been a part-time Assistant Professor, later Associate Professor at Delft University of Technology from 1990-2005. He has been Delft Hydraulics’ principal investigator in the discipline of morphology and is a strong proponent of international scientific cooperation with various parties in order to further the state-of-the-art in morphodynamic modelling. He has set up collaborative projects with the US Geological Survey, the US Office of Naval Research and the US Army Corps of Engineers. His latest research focuses on storm impact modelling, as initiator of the public-domain model XBeach, and on long-term process-based modelling of tidal inlets and estuaries.

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