首 页 >> 专题报道 >> 第三届中美水科学与工程数学模型研讨会
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Session 1-洪水模拟
S1-Computational Medeling of Flood Flow

Prof. Nigel Wright, UNESCO-IHE
Modeling Urban Flood Inundation in a Parallel Computing Environment

Prof. Yoshihisa Kawahara, Hiroshima University, Japan
Integrated Modeling for Inundation Flows in Urban Areas

Jeffrey D. Jorgeson, U.S. Army Engineer Research
and Development Center
2-D Flood modeling of Multiple Simultaneous Dam Failures

Prof. Enhui Jiang, Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Reach
Influence the Wen River Floods on the Effectiveness of Water and Sediment Regulation in Eroding the Shandong Reach of the Lower Yellow River

Modertor: Prof. Qingchao Guo, Department of Sediment Research, IWHR, China
