

 WASER Council Meeting

July 31, Tuesday – 14.00-18.00, Room 18-01 (MSU Main Building, Level 18).

会议主持人:Des Walling, WASER主席


 The 2nd WASER Assembly

 August 4, Saturday – 16.30-17.30, Major Hall of MSU Recreation Center, MSU Main Building.

 Chairmen: Prof. Walling, D. E., President of WASER

1. General report by the President of WASER (Prof. Walling, D. E.)

2. Announcement of the list of the honorary members of WASER (Prof. Di Silvio, G.)

3. Announcement of the award papers of “International Journal of Sediment Research” (Prof. Yang, C.T.)

4. Announcement of the Chien Ning International Prize for Erosion and Sedimentation Technology  (Prof. Dai Dingzhong)

会议主持人:Des Walling, WASER主席

1     学会总报告
2     宣布学会荣誉会员获得者名单、颁奖及代表发言
3     宣布学会优秀论文奖获得者名单、颁奖及代表发言
4     宣布学会钱宁泥沙技术国际奖获得者名单、颁奖及代表发言
5     会议结束

世界泥沙研究学会理事会/WASER Council Meeting




第二届世界泥沙研究学会会员大会/The 2nd WASER Assembly

1. 学会总报告/General report by the President of WASER (Prof. Walling, D. E.)

 2. 宣布学会荣誉会员获得者名单、颁奖及代表发言/Announcement of the list of the honorary members of WASER (Prof. Di Silvio, G.)

3.  宣布学会优秀论文奖获得者名单、颁奖及代表发言/Announcement of the award papers of “International Journal of Sediment Research” (Prof. Yang, C.T.)

4. 宣布学会钱宁泥沙技术国际奖获得者名单、颁奖及代表发言/Announcement of the Chien Ning International Prize for Erosion and Sedimentation Technology (Prof. Dai Dingzhong)