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国际水土保持研究组织代表George Gergov致贺词



        国际泥沙信息网10月19日讯 世界泥沙研究学会于今日正式成立,国际水土保持研究组织代表、保加利亚科学院河流泥沙与河床演变研究室主任George Gergov 教授致贺词。


Your Excellencies, Dear President,

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Colleagues,

I have the pleasure to address you on behalf of WASWC and our friends and our president Dr. Samran Sombatpanit for the foundation of WASER. As it becomes clear from the names of both Associations we will link the people working on very close subjects – water conservation, sediment research and soil erosion. So, one might suppose that we will work together in close collaboration in organization of scientific meetings and conferences, in publishing experts information and the dissemination of knowledge and experience of our members. Anyhow, this is first offer of ours to WASER and we do hope it will be discuss soon for joint activities in future.

As a gift for your inauguration today, we will provide you our quarterly published Newsletter and a hard copy of the Proceedings of the Sofia meetings in 2003 devoted to the recent soil and water conservation practice and policy of the Balkan states. I will share with you that this hard copy will become a subject of bibliographical search straight at once, as it is printed just in several numbers.

The people which might be interested should have a look at the WASWC internet site. 

Before I am going to the end I should express my congratulations for the establishment of the new Association, which we consider as a contribution to the modern civil society. 

I wish very successful future of the Association and to all its members – good health and much luck in business at home and family


                                   Yours sincerely: Prof. George Gergov

                                   VP of WASWC for Eastern Europe


                                                         Oct . 19 2004



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